
Age 29, Male

Joined on 2/28/10

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neverzonegaming's News

Posted by neverzonegaming - February 8th, 2012

I need people to look at my Planet creator Alpha 0.2.3 and tell me what is good what is bad share potential ideas find bugs ect,

finding bugs and helping with the ui design ideas, i will credit you as a beta tester

if you help write or plan out storylines you will be credited as a writer or a designer

PM me

Posted by neverzonegaming - January 28th, 2012

So in 2010 i made a game called planet creator, though it wasnt a full game, I Never finished it. the problem was i didnt have the time to finish it and later that year I lost flash when i moved to a new computer. so on the 27th of january 2012 i got flash again and have since been working hard on making planet creator reborn, from scratch, I do not have the fla or the images from the old one so everything is being done from scratch.

look at my games to find the old planet creator

Posted by neverzonegaming - October 3rd, 2010

Posted by neverzonegaming - September 5th, 2010

Posted by neverzonegaming - August 28th, 2010


1.rigoberto on deviantart
2. rigoberto on mochimedia
3. rigoberto on newgrounds (with achievements)
4. rigoberto on kiqlo
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100. rigoberto on arcadefriends.com
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121. rigoberto on arcadefriends.com
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125. rigoberto on megaswf.com
126. rigoberto on imagecabin.com
127. rigoberto on plunder.com
128. rigoberto on yooteenee.com
129. rigoberto on funzfever.com
130. rigoberto on totalive.com
131. rigoberto on freegamesplace.net
132. rigoberto on eflasharcade.com
133. rigoberto on zapbored.com
134. rigoberto on graphemistry.com
135. rigoberto on blozle.com
136. rigoberto on gameblaster.co.cc
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138. rigoberto on pravasam.org
139. rigoberto on bazaydoo.com
140. rigoberto on meetreen-games.com
141. rigoberto on freegamesplace.net
142. rigoberto on braingames24.com
143. rigoberto on gamejolt.com
144. rigoberto on anarchyarcadium.com
145. rigoberto on newegames.com
146. rigoberto on pobale.com
147. rigoberto on playtheflashgames.com
148. rigoberto on allali.net
149. rigoberto on pictogame.com
150. rigoberto on ussgames.com

1. rigoberto hacked with 9999 lives but its messed up
2. i <3 yak picture
3. video walkthrough
4. rigoberto blinker interactive
5. rigoberto interactive soundboard
6. yak movement sprites
7. soundtrack 1
8. soundtrack 2
9. soundtrack 3
10. soundtrack 4
11. soundtrack 5
12. soundtrack 6
13. artists page
14. programmers page
15. voice actors page

if you want rigoberto the yak on your site pm me or monoflauta and your site and link will be added here aswell


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+ most popular game on zubo.nl (29 august 2010) view screenshot
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+ les-jeux-flash-gratuits.com most played (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ 3rd of 5 top rated games on fungames24.org (29 august 2010)
+ fungamesplayground.com no.1 game (29 august 2010) view screenshot
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+ free-flash-arcade.com no.1 game (29 august 2010)
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+ most played game on infinitefreegames.com (30 august 2010)
+ most voted game on infinitefreegames.com (30 august 2010)
+ gameletics.com 4th most rated game (30 august 2010)
+ fungamesplayground.com most played game (30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ top ten most rated #7 natogames.com (30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ most viewed game on natogames.com (30 august 2010) view screenshot
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+ freetoplayaddictiveonlinegames.com no.1 game (30 august 2010)
+ funzfever.com most played game (30 august 2010)
+ zapbored.com no.1 game (31 august 2010)
+ zapbored.com 2nd most rated game game (31 august 2010)
+ zapbored.com mst played game (31 august 2010)
+ blozle.com frontpaged (31 august 2010)
+ blozle.com featured adventure game (31 august 2010)
+ toon-workshop best of all time (02 september 2010)

Posted by neverzonegaming - August 13th, 2010

me and monoflaunta are working on a game about jousting and truly its massive loads of horses and castles ect ... i can tell its gonna be good but i dont plan these things monoflaunta plans it all (hes the boss lol ) but its going to be awesome

rigoberto the yak - the achievements should be on soon

in-beetween the other projects ill still be working on bits of planet creator i think since the last demo ive added dogs aliens gold and more...

the pyroscape minigame collab - ive made 2 games for it but i only submitted one of them for the collab i hope it does well i wont tell you what it is but the other games are looking smashing too

squeeky season 1 - im deleting the old one and remaking it i might ask for voice actors

dwarf game - not sure what its gonna be called and the art and story is still in production but its looking good this will be my first collab with dmcb89

webcam games - a while ago i made about 20 webcam games but i didnt submit them to ng but i was hoping to find a programmer or possibly ask monoflaunta when hes not busy and then make better cam games

some people may dislike me some may like me i really want to achieve my goal to win at lest one award befor the end of 2010 exept turd of the week just want something to show for before the end of the world in 2012 lool

my clock day submition is ready

iphone development - i cant wait till me and monoflaunta start making iphone apps has anyone else made any already

Posted by neverzonegaming - July 29th, 2010

woohoo i got adobe cs5 master collection but my crappy laptop is slow(er) now but still cs5 woohoo im clueless with photoshop though how does it work

neverzone tv ep 3 - 1 comic
2 toons
1 game

i need much more

Posted by neverzonegaming - July 24th, 2010

someone put logo's on ALL my flashes whoever it was thank you very much it makes them look alot better so thanks whoever it was :)

also I'm working on tons of new stuff like
doody and friends 10 min episode
the evil strawberry remade
the adventures of dooshe
planet creator
neverzone tv episode 2

neverzone tv -
guys i need some stuffs for nz tv so please send me your flashes along with name ect we accept comics movies and games so send send send :)

Posted by neverzonegaming - July 11th, 2010

hey guys ve been busy and kinda neglected planet creator but im back on track ive made tons of new options and 3 new endings should be realesed soon

added so far
giant lime jelly
mythical planet markings
infest with death plants
freeze goo
turn jungle to forest

ny ideas

Posted by neverzonegaming - June 6th, 2010

hi im organising a space age collab ive never done one before so i need your support i need

- about 10 animations preferably from different people
- a spacey game maybe
- anything you submit