
Age 29, Male

Joined on 2/28/10

Exp Points:
1,060 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.25 votes
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rigoberto the yak

Posted by neverzonegaming - August 28th, 2010


1.rigoberto on deviantart
2. rigoberto on mochimedia
3. rigoberto on newgrounds (with achievements)
4. rigoberto on kiqlo
5. rigoberto on toon-workshop.net
6. rigoberto on freedesigames.com
7. rigoberto on blue arcade
8. rigoberto on rollypoint games
9. rigoberto on y8 mini games
10. rigoberto on only top games.com
11. rigoberto on scenicreflections.com
12. rigoberto on freestuff.co.uk
13. rigoberto on fupa.com
14. rigoberto on playgamenow.net
15. rigoberto on y8flash.com
16. rigoberto on bambousoft.com
17. rigoberto on kachbo.com
18. rigoberto on hispavista.com
19. rigoberto on pepijuegos.com
20. rigoberto on games144.com
21. rigoberto on wetgenes.com
22. rigoberto on brothergames.com
23. rigoberto on grandejogo.com
24. rigoberto on free-flash-arcade.com
25. rigoberto on infinitefreegames.com
26. rigoberto on wullix.com
27. rigoberto on zeegames.info
28. rigoberto on 1pd.org
29. rigoberto on 13games.net
30. rigoberto on zapgames.tk
31. rigoberto on florida-a.com
32. rigoberto on streetgamers.net
33. rigoberto on juegossi.com
34. rigoberto on iamgamester.com
35. rigoberto on arcadiait.com
36. rigoberto on on9game.net
37. rigoberto on freeonlinegamesstop.com
38. rigoberto on crazychopsticks.com
39. rigoberto on fantasygame.org
40. rigoberto on igricegames.com
41. rigoberto on vabolt.com
42. rigoberto on on-lajn.cz
43. rigoberto on yourgames-bg.com
44. rigoberto on popgames.web
45. rigoberto on sanalespri.com
46. rigoberto on anotherflashgamesite.com
47. rigoberto on juegosyonkis.com
48. rigoberto on superglossary.com
49. rigoberto on flashspotgames.com
50. rigoberto on freeplay.info
51. rigoberto on gametrick.net
52. rigoberto on jogos-gratis.eu
53. rigoberto on spiel-halle.com
54. rigoberto on oyuntrik.com
55. rigoberto on strefa-gry.pl
56. rigoberto on ouou.us
57. rigoberto on rockyou.com
58. rigoberto on flashyflashgames.com
59. rigoberto on playgameonline.com
60. rigoberto on g4g.kr
61. rigoberto on khum.net
62. rigoberto on leslieeva.com
63. rigoberto on coolplay.org
64. rigoberto on oyuncan.com
65. rigoberto on spieltrick.com
66. rigoberto on trickfist.com
67. rigoberto on mimogames.com
68. rigoberto on gameletics.com
69. rigoberto on jatssz.net
70. rigoberto on bastaspel.com
71. rigoberto on juegopunta.net
72. rigoberto on 4onlinegames.tk
73. rigoberto on nometz.com
74. rigoberto on macuha.com
75. rigoberto on freearcadegameonline.com
76. rigoberto on netkushi.com
77. rigoberto on fungamesplayground.com
78. rigoberto on agamezylom.com
79. rigoberto on aarpgamesonline.com
80. rigoberto on arcadengine.com
81. rigoberto on sanalespri.com
82. rigoberto on greek-games.gr
83. rigoberto on bajajuegos.net
84. rigoberto on supersurge.com
85. rigoberto on fungames24.org
86. rigoberto on risasi.com
87. rigoberto on wowflashgames.com
88. rigoberto on lasprovincias.es
89. rigoberto on les-jeux-flash-gratuits.com
90. rigoberto on m7b.com
91. rigoberto on games4flash.com
92. rigoberto on royalcasino.com
93. rigoberto on dark-kings.com
94. rigoberto on igrezadecu.co.cc
95. rigoberto on gamesonland.com
96. rigoberto on jocurigratisonline.info
97. rigoberto on canbug.com
98. rigoberto on arcade24.net
99. rigoberto on playadventuregames.info
100. rigoberto on arcadefriends.com
101. rigoberto on jugaunflash.com
102. rigoberto on timesoftheinternet.com
103. rigoberto on natogames.com
104. rigoberto on pro4gamers.com
105. rigoberto on greasygames.com
106. rigoberto on emulatore.org
107. rigoberto on kongregate.com
108. rigoberto on winur.com
109. rigoberto on ebaumsworld.com
110. rigoberto on swfupload.com
111. rigoberto on mochigames.com
112. rigoberto on biglightgames.com
113. rigoberto on davigames.com
114. rigoberto on funflashgames.tv
115. rigoberto on zubo.nl
116. rigoberto on netpotion.com
117. rigoberto on keeks.net
118. rigoberto on azrael6174.com
119. rigoberto on quickeasygames.com
120. rigoberto on game9k.com
121. rigoberto on arcadefriends.com
122. rigoberto on kidzfortech.com
123. rigoberto on swfupload.com
124. rigoberto on swfcabin.com
125. rigoberto on megaswf.com
126. rigoberto on imagecabin.com
127. rigoberto on plunder.com
128. rigoberto on yooteenee.com
129. rigoberto on funzfever.com
130. rigoberto on totalive.com
131. rigoberto on freegamesplace.net
132. rigoberto on eflasharcade.com
133. rigoberto on zapbored.com
134. rigoberto on graphemistry.com
135. rigoberto on blozle.com
136. rigoberto on gameblaster.co.cc
137. rigoberto on chalo.net
138. rigoberto on pravasam.org
139. rigoberto on bazaydoo.com
140. rigoberto on meetreen-games.com
141. rigoberto on freegamesplace.net
142. rigoberto on braingames24.com
143. rigoberto on gamejolt.com
144. rigoberto on anarchyarcadium.com
145. rigoberto on newegames.com
146. rigoberto on pobale.com
147. rigoberto on playtheflashgames.com
148. rigoberto on allali.net
149. rigoberto on pictogame.com
150. rigoberto on ussgames.com

1. rigoberto hacked with 9999 lives but its messed up
2. i <3 yak picture
3. video walkthrough
4. rigoberto blinker interactive
5. rigoberto interactive soundboard
6. yak movement sprites
7. soundtrack 1
8. soundtrack 2
9. soundtrack 3
10. soundtrack 4
11. soundtrack 5
12. soundtrack 6
13. artists page
14. programmers page
15. voice actors page

if you want rigoberto the yak on your site pm me or monoflauta and your site and link will be added here aswell


+ No.1 game on gump games (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ most popular game on zubo.nl (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ featured adventure game on zubo.nl (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ top ten games #1 wowflashgames.com (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ davigames.com most played game (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ No.1 game on greasygames.com (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ front-paged on toon-workshop.net (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ top ten games #1 natogames.com (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ most viewed game on arcade24.net (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ one of games4flash.com's most played games (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ les-jeux-flash-gratuits.com no.1 game (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ les-jeux-flash-gratuits.com most voted game (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ les-jeux-flash-gratuits.com most played (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ 3rd of 5 top rated games on fungames24.org (29 august 2010)
+ fungamesplayground.com no.1 game (29 august 2010) view screenshot
+ agamezylom.com 2nd highest rated game (29 august 2010)
+ netkushi.com 3rd most played game (29 august 2010)
+ netkushi.com 4th most rated game (29 august 2010)
+ netkushi.com no.1 game (29 august 2010)
+ gameletics.com no.1 game (29 august 2010)
+ one of flashyflashgames.com's most popular game (29 august 2010)
+ spiel-halle.com no.1 game (29 august 2010)
+ arcadiait.com featured action game (29 august 2010)
+ arcadiait.com 5th highest rated game (29 august 2010)
+ zeegames.info frontpaged (29 august 2010)
+ no.1 game on infinitefreegames.com (29 august 2010)
+ zeegames.info most played game (29 august 2010)
+ free-flash-arcade.com no.1 game (29 august 2010)
+ arcadefriends.com no.1 game (29 august 2010)
+ free-flash-arcade.com frontpaged (30 august 2010)
+ most played game on infinitefreegames.com (30 august 2010)
+ most voted game on infinitefreegames.com (30 august 2010)
+ gameletics.com 4th most rated game (30 august 2010)
+ fungamesplayground.com most played game (30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ top ten most rated #7 natogames.com (30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ most viewed game on natogames.com (30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ freetoplayaddictiveonlinegames.com most plays(30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ freetoplayaddictiveonlinegames.com most rated (30 august 2010) view screenshot
+ freetoplayaddictiveonlinegames.com no.1 game (30 august 2010)
+ funzfever.com most played game (30 august 2010)
+ zapbored.com no.1 game (31 august 2010)
+ zapbored.com 2nd most rated game game (31 august 2010)
+ zapbored.com mst played game (31 august 2010)
+ blozle.com frontpaged (31 august 2010)
+ blozle.com featured adventure game (31 august 2010)
+ toon-workshop best of all time (02 september 2010)


wow took me 3 hours to create this list and not one view

Good, great work hahaha
but i told you the joust game will do better :p

You just do the graphics while i am outside! haha

26 awards aint bad lol

41 awards now

That's quite a list! Congrats on all the awards!

thank you :)

Nice awards!

thanks fro